Goal setting is a proven and powerful tool that most successful people are using to achieve what they want in their life. Although that it is a proven tool, but still there are many people fail to achieve their goals. Why is this so? One of the most common reasons is because most people thought that goal setting is a magic wand, all they need to do is just to write down their goals, and everything will come true.
You know it very well that goal setting is not a magic wand. If you are not doing anything, nothing is going to happen. The most important part of goal setting is what you do after you have set your goals. It is what you do after that that will lead you to your goals. And most people are lack of action. The number one reason for the lack of action is the lack of motivation.
The moment you are excited and you feel motivated, you will take a lot of action. And below are the 3 simple motivation tips for your goal setting activities...
1. Affirm your goals by telling yourself that you can achieve them. Imagine that every morning once you woke up, you look at the mirror and you tell yourself, "I can do it". Do you think this will help to drive you? Of course it will. Affirming your goal is one of the best motivation tips that you can do easily and quickly.
2. Visualize the achievement of your goals each night before you sleep. By doing so, you will sink the vision or your goals into your subconscious mind. You are telling your subconscious mind that you have objectives to achieve in life and it will automatically help you to find ways to achieve them.
3. Another motivation tips for your goal setting activities that you can take instantly is by reminding yourself of your goals. You can do this by writing down your goals and paste the paper somewhere you can see often. The moment you see your goals, you are reminding yourself about your goals and you will feel driven to achieve them.
These are the 3 simple motivation tips that you can take for your goal setting activities. Remember, it is the motivation that makes you to take more action and it is the action that leads you toward your goals.
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