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The Number One Secret in Goal Setting Activities

Posted by Dennis Villarosa | 4:50 PM | | 0 comments »

Goal setting is undoubtedly the most powerful tool that you can ever use to help you achieve your dreams. In fact, goal setting is what used by most successful people to achieve amazing results in their life. Therefore, if you want to achieve the same amazing results, you must follow the footstep of those successful people, by setting goals.

Although that goal setting is a powerful tool, but most people who set their goals fail to achieve them because they are not taking action to make their goals come true. And the number one reason most people fail to action is because their goals are not exciting enough. Their goals did not propel them into taking action.

If you are going to achieve your goals, the goals that you set must be exciting and empowering. Thus, set stretch goals instead of incremental goals. Let me give you an example, if you are earning $1,000 per month currently, and you set your goal to earn an extra $100, do you think this goal will make you excited?

Hardly, this is an incremental goal not a stretch goal. You know that by working harder and putting more effort, you definitely can achieve this goal. What you want here is to set stretch goal, not incremental goal. Instead of earning an extra $100, you can set your goal to earn extra $1,000. By setting this goal, you will feel more excited because the reward is better.

Think about it, are you willing to get up early in the morning to work harder just to get an extra $100? Or are you willing to do this for $1,000? Which one will motivate you more? As you can see now, setting stretch goal will definitely motivates you more. One more thing about stretch goal is that it will force you to think out of the box.

This is because by working harder and putting more effort is simply not enough to achieve your stretch goal. You need to think out of the box and use special strategies to achieve them.

Well, this is the number one secret in goal setting activities. If you are going to set your goals, set stretch goals, don't set incremental goals. By doing so, you will have more motivation to take the action and achieving your goals will be easy.
If you are serious in achieving what you really want in your life, goal setting is the right tool for you. I'm going to share with you the 3 phases of Goal Setting Activities, you are about to discover the real and guaranteed strategies how to achieve your goals.

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