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Every successful person knows about goal setting and the make use of it. This is the main reason they successfully created amazing results in their life. If you want to be successful as well, you will have to follow this strategy as well, set your own goals.

The problem with most people is that they do not know how to set their goals. Even if they do, they are doubtful about what goal setting can achieve for them. Most people underestimate the power of goal setting, and that is why they live a mediocre life. Below is the step-by-step goal setting activities that you can follow through in order to achieve what you want in your life...

1. Before you even set your goals, you must first find out what you really want to achieve in your life. You need to identify your destination before you start your journey.

2. Know why you want to achieve your goals. If your goal is to become a millionaire, why would you want to be a millionaire? It is the reason behind your goal that will drive and motivate you. So make sure your reason is strong enough to propel you into taking massive of action.

3. Write down your goal on a piece of paper and paste it somewhere you can see often. By doing so, you will constantly remind yourself about your goal and this will sink the idea into your subconscious mind.

4. Visualize about achieving your goals every night before your sleep and every morning after you woke up. This will keep you focus and motivate you. Most people fail to achieve their goal because they don't take enough action, and the main reason for the lack of action is the lack of motivation.

5. Take massive amount of action to make your goal come true. Goal setting is not a magic wand. If you are not taking any action, don't expect to see any results. It is impossible to achieve your goal by just writing it down without doing anything.

These are the step-by-step goal setting activities that you can follow to achieve what you want in your life. Goal setting is not complicated, but it does require your action to make it work.

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