Fear of rejection can be a serious setback for anyone. It affects how a person feelsabout his or herself, the way they treat others, and even the way they view life.
Not only does it affect the individual who emotionally suffers from this way of thinking. But also the people that surround that person also become affected by the behavior exhibited by that person.
There are many reasons why people suffer from fear of rejection. The cause could have stemmed from a bad experience in childhood. Being a kid who never really fitted in well with the other children, or the one who always got picked last for softball teams can have lasting effects. It could leave the child with a low self-esteem, and the feeling that he/she is not wanted. This could have psychological consequences to a child growing up.
This is also applicable to those children who were put up for adoption, and as a consequence passed from foster home to foster home. They develop serious emotional and psychological issues that can lead to a fear of rejection. RANDOM TIP GOES HERE.
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Looking for signs of rejection
People who suffer from fear of rejection tend to blow things out of proportion. A simple misunderstanding can become a source of a big fight! A friend, who cancels on a night out because he/she is too busy to attend, becomes a sign of future abandonment.
Individuals who adhere to this way of thinking have a tendency to read too much into things thereby making it very difficult for the people around them to respond in a natural manner. Given that they are being made to feel that they are doing something wrong to the person who suffers from fear of rejection.
The problem with fear of rejection is that this attitude can lead to other unhealthy behavioral patterns.
Having a fear of rejection can make a person become obsessive or "clingy" over the people they have in their lives. This could potentially be detrimental to a relationship. Given that the other person might feel the strain of this emotional baggage, or become suffocated as a result of this behavior.
This type of behavior can also turn people away. Potential friends might find this type of attitude really undesirable. Whatever wonderful traits and attributes a person might have, they can be overshadowed by the manifested undesirable behaviors driven by the fear of rejection.
Another problem that can arise from those individuals who are suffering from fear of rejection is that they reject others who want to be a part of their lives.
In their minds they are convinced with the inevitability of rejection that they do it to others first, before others get the chance to do it to them. This then becomes a vicious cycle in a relationship, and will end up hurting all of the parties involved.
Fear of rejection is strongly connected to a low self-esteem. People who don't have much confidence in themselves, or think that they are not good enough usually are prone to this way of thinking.
Usually they have a fear of approaching people. They are reluctant to engage in relationships because in their minds they are already thinking that at some point or another that they will be abandoned. So instead of even making an attempt, they simply withdraw from making contact.
One of the best things that individuals who are suffering from fear of rejection can do is to work on themselves. They need to develop higher self-esteem and a sense of self worth. Doing so will vastly improve their outlook in life. It will also help ease the manner in which they conduct their relationships with other people.
Individuals will benefit greatly from knowing their strengths and weaknesses. Let us face it, nobody is perfect. Accepting that you will not be the best at everything you do should take a lot of pressure off of you. People need to learn to accept their limitations.
Also, their self esteem should not be based on what others think of them. They should not alter their feelings about themselves simply because they failed to get a compliment on their appearance, for example.
People who are suffering from fear of rejection should get over this setback by accepting themselves first. Once they have learned to appreciate and bestow the right amount of self worth on themselves they will begin the road to recovery and the fear of rejection that has imprisoned them before will become a thing of the past.
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