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Many people write down their goals on a piece of paper, but they still fail to get what they want in the end. Why is this so? One of the common reasons for this is that most people thought that goal setting is all about writing down what they want on a piece of paper and everything will come to them automatically. In fact, goal setting is much more than just writing down what you want.

If you are not doing something after you write down your goals, you will never achieve them. You know it very well that goal setting is not a magic wand and that success will not fall from the sky. Here are the 3 proven goal setting techniques that will make your goals come true...

1. First, share your goals with the people around you. Many people are afraid to share what they want to achieve in their life with other people because they are afraid that their friends will laugh at them if they fail to achieve them. The moment you share your goals with your friends, you know it very well that you have no other way but to achieve them because your reputation is at stake. This is the public commitment you must make in order to propel you into putting 100% commitment.

2. Next, you need motivation to keep going on. The reason people did not do what it takes to achieve their goals is that they are not motivated toward what they want. Therefore, you must visualize your goals and affirm them everyday to motivate you into taking action. The best time to do this is once every night before you sleep and once in the morning after you wake up. By constantly thinking about what you want will put you in a motivated state and thus, get more things done.

3. Last but not least, you must build the momentum and keep the momentum going everyday. You must take at least 3 action steps that will bring you one step closer toward your goals. The key is consistency. No matter how big or how small the action, make sure you take consistent action so that you will maintain your momentum and keep doing it until you accomplish your goals. Don't fall into the trap of not taking action as it will put your mind into a 'lazy state' and you will keep putting things off.

These are the 3 proven goal setting techniques that will make your goals come true as long as you follow through. The journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step, hence, take your first step now to create the future you desire.

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